Friday, August 13, 2010

List Checking

Time for a list check! I'm almost out of time...eeek!

#10 Find a little black dress I love.
Done. I love it. And it was cheap. I'm a bargain shopper, and I found it on the clearance rack for...wait for it.....$5.98!

#16 Take Kendra fishing.
We took her fishing in June. The lake has a kid fest every year. We didn't catch a fish, but she still won a prize in the raffle!

#24 Take 50 pictures of Kendra.
Okay, this one was a little too's been done for a very, very long time. I've probably taken closer to 500 of her, judging from the counter on the camera.

#43 Go camping with Justin...just me and him.
We only had one night...and my parents were there...but they were across the campground and we did spend the evening by ourselves.

#56 Do a load of laundry, including folding and putting away, every night for a week.
I do a crap ton of laundry. A crap ton.

#65 Pay for someone behind me in the drive thru.
Well, I didn't EXACTLY do this, but what I did do is even better. Kendra and I had to run to Walmart one afternoon. There was a homeless guy standing outside, and unlike some around the town, this one actually looked homeless. And he had a dog. I felt horrible for him, and it was HOT, so I decided to do something nice. Kendra and I went to McDonalds and I bought hamburgers and bottles of water for him and his dog. Unfortunately, by the time we got back, he was gone.

#69 Donate to the food bank.
They had a movie night in the mall parking lot, and your entry was a food bank item. We took several, and enjoyed the movie!

#87 Mow the lawn 3 times.
I did it twice while I was pregnant with in ready to pop pregnant. And I've done it here, on the riding mower, but I still did it.

#93 Babysit for someone.
I've babysat lots, actually. I babysat my nephew one afternoon. I babysat for some new people in town for a couple weeks. And I've babysat for some friends. I welcome any and all kids to my house! :)

That's all...I know there are some I will not get done, but I will do my best! Time is ticking away...