Monday, October 13, 2008

It's been a whole month! (almost)

Wow, my mother-in-law informed me that I needed to update my blog...I didn't realize it had been so long! This one is for you, Carol!!

The biggest news in our lives lately is that I'm pregnant! Woo hoo!!! I'm 6 weeks right now, and according to, our baby is now the size of a lentil bean! His heart is beating 100-160 beats per minute, and his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears are forming! How exciting. Someone from work gave me a book called "Another Time Around". Basically it's a book for family's expecting their 2nd, 3rd, etc. child. I flipped through it briefly, and I think it should be pretty helpful. I know Kendra will be her wonderful self, but there are some helpful hints in there about how to prepare the older sibling(s). I've started to get "morning sickness", but it comes in the evenings for me, which makes it very difficult to sleep. I haven't actually gotten sick yet, I just get really nauseated, which is what I did with Kendra.

Justin has started travelling, and it seems to be much harder this year than it was last year, especially on Kendra. However, it will go by fast, and we'll all get used to it. We truly value our weekends together!

That's all for now, I can't think of anything else wildly exciting to post!


Unknown said...

Congrats!! Hope you've been feeling ok. Glad to see you've updated the blog, too. It's about TIME! :)

Unknown said...

AND I love your blog background... WAY cute!

SillyHille said...

Thank you to Kendra for saying Madigan was cute! :)
Can't wait to see your new little "bean"!!