Friday, September 30, 2011

Locks of Love

A while back, Kendra asked me if she could cut her hair. We talked about it, and together we decided to wait until she had enough hair to donate to Locks of Love. It's been a long wait, and a lot of mornings of crying while we brushed her hair. A few hundred ponytails later, we finally had enough hair!

Kendra was very proud, as she should be. Since she knows a little girl recently diagnosed with leukemia, it was easy for her to understand why this was a good thing. As soon as the ponytail came off and her new, short hair fell forward, she was all smiles.

She loves her new do! Her daddy and I think she looks absolutely beautiful, and so grown up. I was unsure at first, but now I love it. It looks adorable on her, and it's so much easier to take care of then her long, long hair!