We carved pumpkins....
K had no problem digging right in and getting messy...
Aj, on the other hand, just was NOT interested. "EEEWWW" was all she could say about the experience.
Messy or not, both kids were very proud of their handiwork.
Later that night, we went trick or treating. Unfortunately, we were having camera issues, so there are no pictures, but it was an awesome experience. There were kids all over the neighborhood! Fortunately, everyone started early. We even had a dozen or so trick or treaters BEFORE we left! We finally just had to shut the door, and take off as people were walking up to our house. The girls had a blast. Kendra, of course, knew exactly what to do. AJ had no problem following big sis' lead, and was so proud she refused to be pushed in the stroller or let anyone carry her candy bag...even when she could barely lift it off the ground!
Mom and dad even had the chance to partake in some Halloween festivities and attended an adult only Halloween party.
All in all, it was a BIG Halloween success! We all had so much fun, and we're already planning for next year!
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